Quick Start Guide for Public Campus Ministry -
- is a valuable resource for any university or college student or young adult group wanting to start a ministry that journeys with students as they explore faith and discover a personal Saviour. Click on the link for a downloadable version of this Quick Start Guide!
The Journey –
- is the life we were made for and have always wanted. Who was Jesus? What was His mission? What can Jesus teach us about ourselves, the meaning of life, and our relationship with other? Journey, by Ron Pickell, is an introduction into the life God has in mind for all of us. The purpose of the Journey bible study is to learn about God through the life and ministry of Jesus and to embrace Him fully. If you’re ready for the ultimate adventure, then the bible study resource is a great tool for you and your campus’ study group. Click on the link for a downloadable version of The Journey Bible Study Guide
- What do we crave most – long and happy life, love, money, fame, sex, stimulation? All these are but the first cravings for the deeper longings of the heart like intimacy, purpose and transcendence – cravings for God! Rightly understood our cravings can lead us to the only One who can fulfill our deepest desires. CRAVE is just one example of a remixed version of a more traditional form of evangelism on campus where students are invited to explore how cravings in everyday life can lead us to an abundantly eternal LIFE in God. CRAVE includes a week of praise music, relevant messages on the things we crave, free food, prayer table and invitation for follow up bible studies. To learn more about CRAVE email David Benjamin
Check out this video about CRAVE