Adventist Christian Fellowship (ACF) is the official organization for Adventist campus ministry on non-Adventist college and university campuses within the North American Division (NAD) of Seventh-day Adventist’s, including the US, Canada, Bermuda and Guam. Currently ACF is a network of over one hundred chapters across the North American Division.
Here in Alberta ACF is seeking to:
- Build ACF chapters on public campuses that honour God and nurture the spiritual lives of our students
- Empower you the student, the local church, and sponsors through pastoral and conference support, professional training and access to resources
- Engage students in the mission of the Bible through relational evangelism and Christ-like student fellowship
If you are an Adventist student at a public university or college in Alberta, and are interested in knowing how you can begin an ACF Chapter on your campus, please Contact Us to learn how. Also, be sure to look out for various activities and events we’ll be planning for the engaging and equipping of our students for ministry.
There are also some resources available to assist you in starting and running a successful Campus Ministry.
Alberta Conference Campus Ministry
Do you know . . . about 80% of North American Seventh-day Adventist youth attend public universities and colleges? One of the goals of the Alberta Conference is to reach out to the Adventist youth attending Alberta’s public universities and colleges, and inspire and equip them for sharing the love of Jesus Christ on their campuses with the support of the local Adventist churches.
If you’re reading this, and you are an Adventist student at a public university or college in Alberta, and are interested in knowing how you can begin a campus ministry on your campus, please Contact Us to learn how. Also, be sure to look out for various activities and events we’ll be planning for the engaging and equipping of our students for ministry.
There are also some resources available to assist you in starting and running a successful Campus Ministry.
Campus Ministry Training

Have you been wanting to start a ministry on Campus at the University you attend? Or, have you started one and don’t feel properly equipped to run it? Stay tuned for more Campus Ministry Training opportunities.
Here is a very informative video about the benefits of Campus Ministry and this training seminar