Mary Synowec Turns 100



Mary Synowec of Bonnyville celebrated her 100th birthday on the Sabbath of September 21, 2024. She immigrated to Canada from Ukraine as a young girl. Her family were among the first families who came to live in north eastern Canada in the area of Bonnyville. Back then, all of northern Alberta was uninhabited and covered with forests. The first families to settle there cleared away the forests and formed communities.

She married Louis Synowec, who was the son of Matthew Synowec, one of the founding pioneers of the Bonnyville Seventh-day Adventist Church. The extended families of Louis Synowec and his older brother Bill Synowec, continues to be stalwarts of Seventh-day Adventism in the community of Bonnyville. Both Aunty Mary’s daughters, Elizabeth and Jane, still attend the Bonnyville Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Her birthday celebrations started off on the Friday when she received a visit from the Honorable Mayor of the Town of Bonnyville, Mayor Elisa Brosseau, who wished her a happy birthday and presented her with a token of acknowledgement for celebrating a century of life. On the day of her birthday, she continued to receive visits from several of her family, friends and neighbors.

The day after her birthday, the members from the Bonnyville Seventh-day Adventist Church gathered at her home to serenade her with words of appreciation, songs, gifts, flowers and delicious treats. She was overjoyed at the outpouring of love which she received. We thank God for His love and faithfulness to Aunty Mary and are happy to have her as a living example to many of what faithfulness to God results in. At 100 years old, Aunty Mary still enjoys such good health that she can live along and take care of herself. Aunty Mary has two daughters, four grandchildren, and four great grandchildren.