Stewardship is all about our relationship with God. It is the attitude we display toward God and the resources He has entrusted us to manage and care for; and it is the lifestyle of such management and care in harmony with the principles of His Word. Stewardship includes, but it not limited to finances. Truly, stewardship is about life management under the Lordship of Christ. In the great plan of God, we have been created and redeemed to be faithful stewards before God - that is, partners with God and faithful managers for Him of all aspects and dimensions of our lives. A Christian steward, with a heart filled with love to God for His goodness, chooses to manage God’s resources and gifts in God’s way.
The Stewardship Department of the Alberta Conference exists for the purpose of aiding each church member to identify with their God-given responsibility of being a co-labourer with Christ in the work of the Great Commission, and preparing a people to meet Him at His soon return.
Each believer is entrusted by God with abilities and possessions, resources and opportunities, to bring God’s blessings and the knowledge of His plan of redemption to the world. As we live as God’s stewards, acknowledging His ownership by faithful service to Him and His children, by returning a faithful tithe and offerings that support the work of sharing the gospel, and by cooperating in the upbuilding of the Church, God blesses our efforts.
As stewardship is the calling of God upon our lives, it will prove to be a great blessing to us as we, through service and sacrifice for God’s sacred causes, find victory over selfishness and the joy of ministering to the needs of others.
The Stewardship Department, then, accomplishes its purpose when our church members are inspired and encouraged to practice Biblical stewardship, and thus, carefully manage and share all that God has committed to our care - time, talents, temple, treasure, and testimony - and experience the blessing of dynamic, Christ-centered, faithful discipleship.
The Vision of the Alberta Conference Stewardship Department is:
God’s people living in wholistic faithfulness to God — recognizing the Lordship of Jesus, and living a life of partnership with God, and cooperation within the body of Christ.
The mission of the Alberta Conference Stewardship Department is:
To help leaders and members alike develop the habits and practices necessary to grow, live, and give as dynamic and faithful disciples of Christ. .
- To call our church members throughout the conference to a total commitment of the entire life and all resources and possessions to the lordship of Jesus Christ, and to live a lifestyle of union and partnership with God.
- To encourage and support our pastors in assisting church members in their journey of belief in, and the practice of Biblical Stewardship.
- To provide educational and inspirational opportunities, as well as resources, that promote the principles of Biblical Stewardship to our church members and church leaders throughout the conference.
- To prayerfully educate and challenge believers within the conference to the commitment of returning a faithful tithe and regular offerings that support the work of the church on all levels.