Everyone has a name. And every name has a meaning. Many of you know what your own name means. In addition, we can all think back to names from the Bible that have meaning - Adam, meaning “son of (red) earth”, referencing how he was formed; Jacob, meaning "to follow, be behind," "to supplant, overreach" or “liar, deceiver” as we see both in his birth, and his final interaction with his father; and Moses meaning “drawn from the water”, based on where the Egyptian princess took him from.
But some names have meaning for us not just from their origin, but for what that person brought to the name. Certain names may evoke particular emotions for you because of your experience with that person - joy, excitement, comfort, peace, pain, regret, or other feelings.
What do God's names mean? And what do God's names mean to you?
God is so amazing, so wonderful, so all-encompassing that Bible writers used different names to refer to different aspects of His character and personality, to highlight the many roles He plays in our lives. One God, but three Persons, and so many attributes for which to praise Him. Each name and term has its own meaning and significance, and every characteristic is worthy of praise.
The Alberta Conference Prayer Ministries Department is holding a prayer challenge entitled The Name! Throughout the month of February, we will be holding devotional prayer sessions over Zoom at 6 am and 6 pm for 30 minutes apiece. Each day, we will be focusing on a different name of God, and we will invite members from across the Conference to join together to share about that name and to pray for a deeper appreciation of God, as well as pray over our daily praises and needs.
You are invited to join in as many of these sessions as possible so that our Conference can grow closer to God and each other.
We are expectant that The Name will be a powerful way to start off the year and will unite and enrich you and your members. Looking forward to worshipping His Name together!
If you and your members want to take part, sign up below.