We know how important it is to pray to our God, and to keep in regular communication with Him. One way we can learn more about talking to God is to look at the prayers of people in the Bible. How did they pray? What did they say? How did their prayers reflect how they felt? What was God's response?
The Prayer Ministries Department invites you to look at prayers in the Bible with The Bible Prayers prayer program. Throughout the month of February, we'll meet every day over Zoom at 6 am and 6 pm for thirty minutes. Each meeting will feature a devotional and prayer time.
Prayer coordinators and prayer teams from different Alberta Conference churches will be leading us in looking at different instances of prayer found in God's word. We'll be studying who chose to pray, and why. We'll be reviewing what they said in prayer, and why that was significant. And when God speaks in return, we'll investigate what He has to say.
To register for The Bible Prayers, click below.