Wills are essential. Whether you want to be the best steward you can be, or are concerned about saving your family unnecessary stress, grief, and costs, wills are necessary. Whatever your age.
Here are some videos and links to useful information about creating your will.
Family Matters: Shelley Nolan Freesland
Shelley’s parents gave an unrestricted gift to the Conference in their wills. She couldn’t be happier with the outcome.

Wills for Changing Lives: Boyko Family (PDF/Print) (Video link)
Rachel and Joshua Boyko live in Lacombe and recently created Wills. In Rachel and Joshua's video, walk through their process and learn what it feels like to make a Will that ensures the future of the people and way of life you love.

Wills @ Camp: A Family Affair & Ministry (Video link)
In this video, Reuben and Kathy Lorenson and Michelle Klatt speak about their experiences creating Wills through Wills @ Camp and what this unique ministry means to them.
More Useful Will Resources
Will Organization Checklist - What you should put in a Will
Wills for Changing Lives - A simple way to strengthen God's work. Get your questions about Wills answered, and learn other useful information on planning for your future needs and gifts
Supporting the Alberta Church Family & Its Outreach: Gift Areas to Consider - Is there some part of the Alberta Church's ministry that's close to your heart? A gift to the Conference can be general or to further a specific ministry or project
Statement of Faith - These optional Christian statements can be included at the beginning of your Will as a final statement of your faith and commitment. A statement of faith allows you to proclaim that for you, God is always part of the education.
Your Digital Estate - There's one key facet of 21st century estate planning that many people overlook: a digital estate plan
Three Conference Will Programs
In-Person Laywer-Drafted Wills (Year-Round)
Online Wills (Year-Round)
Wills @ Camp (During Camp Meeting Only)
During Foothills Camp Meeting, the Alberta Conference saves you time and money on legal fees for Wills. Wills @ Camp is a ministry of the Alberta Conference that started in 2013 and puts a lawyer-drafted Will within reach of every Alberta Adventist at no cost.

2 easy ways to make your camp meeting appointments NOW (one for instructions, one for signing):
Email: rmanoj@albertaadventist.ca
Phone: (587) 815-8776