Means & Meaning video stories about real Alberta Adventists and how they make their gifts do more.

Family Matters: Shelley Nolan Freesland (Video)
Shelley’s parents gave an unrestricted gift to the Conference in their wills. She couldn’t be happier with the outcome.

Making the Most of Your Gift: Don and Leslie Price (Video)
Leslie and Don Price used shares Don received from his employer to give more than they expected to build a church in Whitecourt, Alberta.

Wills for Changing Lives: Boyko Family (PDF/Print) (Video)
Rachel and Joshua Boyko live in Lacombe and recently created Wills. In Rachel and Joshua's video, walk through their process and learn what it feels like to make a Will that ensures the future of the people and way of life you love.

Big Returns Using Annuities and Life Insurance: Clouten Family (PDF/Print) (Video)
Alberta Adventists Ngaire and Keith Clouten operated Boomerang Tours for 25 years. Find out how Ngaire and Keith turned contingency money from their company into a planned gift for the Alberta Conference. While many Alberta Adventists want to increase their gifts for good, the area of planned giving is relatively new. Learn if the giving tools used by the Cloutens is right for you.

The Camrose Miracle Church: How Giving Shares Increased a Gift (PDF/Print) (Video)
God opens doors. Because of this, the Camrose church has been able to open its own. See the miraculous journey of the Camrose church over the last fifty years and learn how generous individuals used the gift of shares given directly to the Alberta Conference to help pay for the new church home.

Typhoon Haiyan and the Return of the Cupcakes (PDF/Print) (Video HD)
Students at Mamawi Atosketan Native School learn about giving back to their local and worldwide communities based on the biblical principle of "cast your bread upon the waters and it will return to you after many days." The students are blessed as they reach out to those in need through matching grants.

To be a Sky Walker: A Native Son Marks the Path of God's Leading with an Annual Gift (PDF/Print) (Video: Investing in Success)
Larry Wilkins is a second generation First Nations Adventist, and he has committed to making an annual gift to the Conference mission school, Mamawi Atosketan Native School. Larry’s gift marks his gratitude and faith, and lights the path for others. He’s found that his commitment to an annual gift makes a big difference—to the students who attend the school, yes, but also to the way Larry looks at his relationship with God.

Wills @ Camp: A Family Affair & Ministry (PDF/Print) (Video)
Wills @ Camp is a ministry of the Alberta Conference that started in 2013 and puts a lawyer-drafter Will within reach of every Alberta Adventist at no cost. Reuben and Kathy Lorenson and Michelle Klatt speak about their experiences creating Wills through Wills @ Camp and what this unique ministry means to them.

On Her Behalf (PDF/Print: March 2015 M&M (Krysowaty Remainder Trust), Jaise Northam, p. 39 March 2015, and Eliz Tym, p. 39 June 2015) (Video Available HERE)
For more than a decade, Elizabeth Tym helped her aunt, Mary Krysowaty, continue her regular and special project giving, first through a Power of Attorney and then as Executor of Mary’s estate. The result: Their faithfulness and teamwork continues to touch countless lives through projects like the Krysowaty iPad Teaching Library and Mamawi Atosketan Native School.

Giving Intellectual Property (PDF/Print) (Video Available HERE)
Longtime Reserve supporter and lifelong artist Jeanie Spratt has once again given a beautiful gift to future generations. Her art depicts the beauty of nature and First Nations pastoral life inspired by her. By donating the sales of her artwork, Jeanie has ensured that her gift of intellectual property will help support Native Ministries for years to come.

Alberta & Anna Goltz: From Generation to Generation (PDF/Print) (Video)
Alberta Goltz' dedication to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and tithing throughout her 106 year-long life is a remarkable testament to faithful stewardship and God’s blessings. Meet Alberta’s granddaughter, Anna, and see how Alberta's commitments to tithing and values have passed from generation to generation.