Behold the LAMB - July 13-21, 2012
Opening Meeting: Friday, July 13, 7:00 p.m. Ken Wiebe
Alberta Camp Meeting 2012 Seminars
Mad About Marriage (Cafeteria) - Monday-Thursday Mike and Gayle Tucker

This seminar examines the basics of a good relationship as well as those major issues that threaten the marriage foundation. Topics include spirituality, communication, problem solving, forgiveness, and some of the “Big Issues.” The Tuckers exemplify a strong bond as cohosts of Lifestyle Magazine program on Faith for Today Television, as well as co-pastoring their local church for close to two decades.
Jesus In His Sanctuary (Lodge Lower Auditorium)
Ole Unruh

This seminar explains significant truths of the Sanctuary as it has never been revealed before! You will learn of the seven foundations of the sanctuary; and how the sanctuary portrays Christ’s baptism, death, resurrection, ascension and His two phase heavenly ministry. You will learn how and where the three Angel’s messages are portrayed in the sanctuary, how Daniel’s prophetic timelines correlate with the three compartments of the sanctuary, why the two heavenly compartments are distinguished by the terms “Holy” and “Most Holy” places, and much more.
Hope and Healing Natures Way (Main Auditorium)
Phil and Eileen Brewer

The Brewers, founders of Silver Hills Guest House in BC, will present inspiring topics on the fundamentals of healthy living including: circulation, cleansing, soothing the mind, and eating nature’s way. Phil’s reputation as a health coach and lecturer is unparalleled and Eileen’s tasty cuisine led her to coauthor the bestselling cookbook, The Best of Silver Hills.
Taking Care of the Kids: Alberta’s New Wills and Succession Act (Cafeteria) - Friday
Lynn McDowell

The new Wills and Succession Act (February 1, 2012) changed the way the law looks at your will, and how it deals with your family—especially in situations where there is no will. What should parents consider when making choices in their will that can provide a financial and emotional safety net for their children? Join Lynn Neumann McDowell, the conference’s new Planned Giving & Trust Services/Philanthropy director, lawyer Shelley Smith, and family therapist Ken Lebel as they explore the new law and the emotional needs of families and minor children.
Resolving Everyday Conflict (Overflow Tent)
Bruce Boyd

We all have conflict. It’s usually not the big blow up – but the everyday conflicts around the breakfast table, with a difficult neighbour, an overbearing boss, or a moody teenager. And as much as we hate these conflicts, we often don’t know what to do about them. Resolving Everyday Conflict unpacks the amazing things the Bible has to say about conflict and relationships. With God’s help, Resolving Everyday Conflict will forever change how conflict looks in your life.
Parenting Issues (Heritage Church)

Monica Stothers
Are You in the KNOW?
Be a Parent who KNOWS!
Tackling Tough Stuff Facing Youth Today
Meal Prices for 2012
Ages 0-3 - Free
Ages 4-11
- Breakfast & Supper $5.00
- Noon Meal $7.00
Ages 12+
- Breakfast & Supper $8.00
- Noon Meal $10.00
Map to Foothills Camp