2009 Camp Meeting Brochure (PDF)
Complete Schedule (PDF)
Ordination Service Brochure (PDF)
Camp Meeting Poster (PDF)
Nilton Amorim, VP for Administration Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada
Maury Bascom, Representative Christian Record Services
William Fagal II, Associate Director Ellen G. White Estate
Stan Hudson, Pastor Moscow, ID and Pullman, WA
Dan Jackson, President Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada
Mark Johnson, President Alberta Conference
Neil Nedley, Physician, Internal Medicine Ardmore, OK
Maurice Valentine II, Ministerial Director Mid-America Union Conference

Nilton Amorim, VP for Administration Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada

Maury Bascom, Representative Christian Record Services

William Fagal II, Associate Director Ellen G. White Estate

Stan Hudson, Pastor Moscow, ID and Pullman, WA

Dan Jackson, President Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada

Mark Johnson, President Alberta Conference

Neil Nedley, Physician, Internal Medicine Ardmore, OK

Maurice Valentine II, Ministerial Director Mid-America Union Conference
Seminars and Presenters
Monday - Friday, 10:30 a.m. - noon and repeated at 3:45 - 5:15 p.m.

Wanda Johnson, Director of Counselling & Career Development, CUC
This week we will explore the healing power of Jesus as He Speaks Peace and healing to hurting hearts. We will discover tools for healing and discuss the differences between the needs of men and women, and how to meet those needs. Your life will change when you learn how to give blessings to others.

Al & Elizabeth Kurtz, Retired, Peachland, BC
This seminar will help you learn how to heal some hurts that hinder. No matter where you go, there are people you know who are suffering from loss of one kind or another. Grieving such loss is natural, but seldom do people know how to cope well. You won’t want to miss this practical seminar!
Sabbath School Training (CAFETERIA)

Samuel Thomas, Review & Herald Publishing Association
This is a two-part seminar. The first part of the week will be Sabbath School training, and the second half will focus on reinventing the Sabbath School in the local church as presented in the book by Chris & Yolanda Blake.
Sermon Building for Lay People (HERITAGE CHURCH)

Steve Reasor, Associate Pastor, College Heights Church
Writing a sermon can be a lot like building a house, both require sufficient tools, time, and ability, and can be a rather daunting task. Both also offer great rewards: one gives you a house, the other presents the story of Jesus to a dying world. This seminar will present a process for building Bible-based sermons from foundation to finishing, and will help lay people develop skills and tools for preaching.
“Share Him” Evangelism Boot Camp (SPANISH TENT)

Larry Hall, Ministerial & Evangelism Director, AB Conference
In this seminar you will learn the basics of successful reaping evangelism strategy and how to preach your very own Power Point sermons. You will learn preaching techniques and get the opportunity to practice preaching real sermons along with all the information and sermons you need to preach a full evangelistic series. Any lay person, by God‘s grace, can now be a part of finishing God’s work on earth through the gift of preaching.
Early Morning Devotionals: 7 a.m.
- Ian Bramble, Youth Pastor Edmonton South
- Virgil Covel, Pastor Medicine Hat / Brooks
- Jim Davis, Pastor Edson / Peers / Whitecourt
- Peter Ford, Pastor Bentley / Maskwachees (Hobbema)
- Ron Henderson, Pastor Lacombe Community / Mirror
- Adam Hendron, Pastor Beiseker Level-Land / Strathmore
- Eric Koester, Pastor Fairview / Morning Star / Peace River
- Julio Morales, Pastor Edmonton Spanish