- Complete Schedule of Meetings (PDF)
- Sabbath Service brochure - July 5, 2008 (PDF)
- Sabbath Service brochure - July 12, 2008 (PDF)
Guest Speakers:
- Morning Manna - Youth Pastors of the Alberta Conference
- First Weekend - Don Schneider, President of the North American Division
- Second Weekend - Roy Adams, Associate Editor, Adventist Review; Editor, 2nd Quarter Bible Lesson Guide
- Mike Jones, Reclaim Ministries, Voice of Prophecy
- Richard & Jo Ann Davidson, Professors, Theological Seminary, Andrews University
- Dan Jackson, President, Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada
- Bill Olson, President, Alberta Conference
- Samuel Pipim, Director of Campus Ministries, University of Michigan
- Relationships - Bruce & Dorothy Hayward
- Study on the Book of Daniel - Pastor Ole Unruh
- Sabbath School - Gary Swanson
- Christian Ethics - Ron Bissell
- Share Him - Larry Hall