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Youth Virtual Program
October 2, 2021
It has been difficult for youth over the last year dealing with Covid. How do we make it through Covid? Is there hope? Join us as Nwamiko Madden shares an encouraging, inspiring, and empowering message. Date: October 2, 2021 Presentation: 12 noon Live discussion: 4:30 pm Guest speaker: Nwamiko Madden
Lyle Notice
403-342-5044 x 227
Event Location:

Half-Night of Prayer for God's Healing
October 16, 2021
Join us for a half-night of prayer focused on healing of our land, covid-19, selfishness, discrimination, apathy, our spirituality, and evangelism around the conference, country, and the world. Zoom Meeting ID: 967 5542 7081 Passcode: 103986
Honey Todd
Event Location:

Faith, Cyberculture, and Globalization
October 30, 2021
FAITH, CYBERCULTURE, and GLOBALIZATION With our world ever so changing and becoming more digital, cyberculture is on the rise. We are constantly connected online to our phones, social media, and apps. And with the coming of the metaverse how do we stay connected to spirituality and cultivate our faith? Join us with guest presenter Lawel Natufe as he shares how to stay connected to God and strengthen your faith. Date: October 30, 2021 Time: 12 noon 4:30 p.m. discussion “The Metaverse and our Digital World” ZOOM ID: 995 3110 6390 PASSCODE: 675017
Lyle Notice
403 342 5044 Ext 227
Event Location:

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Canada-Wide ACF Emphasis Weekend
January 14, 2022
ADMISSION IS FREE!!! INTENT: To create an awareness of and passion for Adventist Christian Fellowship Ministry in Canada. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Pastor Moises Ruiz (Epic Adventist Church, Red Deer, AB) PRESENTERS: Pastor Romando Carey, Wendy Eberhardt, Nina Lim, Pastor Campbell Page, Pastor Ngoy Kyala, Pastor Joshua Nelson, Pastor Ron Pickell, Natasha Richards, Pastor Daniel Saugh, Jonathan Wheeler
Event Location:

AB Conference Half Night of Prayer
January 15, 2022
The Alberta Conference Prayer Ministries invites you to a Half Night of Prayer on Saturday night January 15, 2022, from 6 PM to midnight over Zoom. The only way to deal with challenges of 2022 is to connect with the God of 2022. Meeting ID: 916 5275 0172 Passcode: 857754
Event Location:

31 Days of Prayer
January 1, 2022
Start off the year with God and your fellow Christian siblings with 31 Days of Prayer from January 1 to 31! From across the Alberta Conference, you are invited to come together for short devotionals and prayer every morning over Zoom from 6 AM to 6:30 AM and every Tuesday evening from 7 PM to 8 PM to kickstart 2022 in a powerful and prayerful way. Looking forward to praying with you! Please register to get the link. Register and get more information by sending an email to prayerministries@albertaadventist.ca
Event Location:

Are You a Gifted Artist?
December 1, 2021
Attention Pathfinders, Unleash your hidden artist. This is an excellent opportunity to use your God-Given Talents. Submit your design to your Club Director by March 1, 2023. *Only Registered Pathfinders within the Alberta Conference are eligible to participate*
Event Location:

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Event Location:
4311 49th Ave
Red Deer, AB T4N 5Y7

Event Location:
Bowden, AB

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Edmonton Youth Council Hosting - Burnt Offerings
September 8, 2023
On Friday, September 8, at 6:30 pm, come on out to Burnt Offerings: a worship experience over barbecue for young people! Featuring free veggie burgers and hotdogs. Bring a lawn chair and, if you want, your own item for grilling. Let's worship and fellowship in nature with young people from across the city as we close the summer together and start the school year. Please bring a donation of canned goods to help feed the homeless!
Edmonton Youth Pastors
Event Location:
10955 50th Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta

Alberta Christian Indigenous Women's Retreat
October 13, 2023
Step into the loving embrace of God's healing grace at our Christian Indigenous Women's Retreat, inspired by the powerful words of Jeremiah 30:17. Together, we'll embark on a transformative journey of spiritual renewal and cultural celebration.
Event Location:
Olds, Alberta

Alberta Women's Retreat
September 29, 2023
Why a Women’s Retreat? Women’s Retreat is an event that helps you have the power to renew, to revive, to regenerate your mind and your heart. A time of fellowship with other Christian women. To give you the strength and the courage to face the journey ahead. Keep posted for updates.
Event Location:
6500 - 67 St.
Red Deer, Alberta T4P 1A2
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SAGEAlberta School Workday
August 27, 2023
Each day begins with worship at 8:30 a.m. in the school gym, with work beginning at 9:00 a.m. Work will include carpentry, plumbing, painting, cleaning, yard work, and other miscellaneous tasks. These workdays are very important to each school as they prepare to reopen. All SAGErs are welcome to work both days or only one day of your choice. Younger friends are also welcome to participate as well. August 20 - College Heights Christian School, August 27 - Mamawi Atosketan Native School
Darlene Reimche
Event Location:

SAGE - Sheep River Provincial Park (Kananaskis) RV Campout
September 11, 2023
DEADLINE TO SIGN UP August 28 Cost: $144 / 3 nights with electricity and pancake breakfast Thursday morning before departure. You will also need to purchase a Kananaskis Conservation Pass prior to arrival ($15/day)
Everett Herrebrugh
Event Location:
Event Location:
120 Festival Way
Sherwood Park, Alberta T8A 5Z1

Children's Ministry Conference
September 22, 2023
Are you passionate about reaching children for Jesus? Looking for innovative ways to make Sabbath School class the best it can be? Join the Children's Ministry Directors from the North American Division as they instruct and empower attendees to impact children for eternity. Sponsored by GEMA & hosted at Edmonton South Adventist Church. $20 per person, with Sabbath lunch and supper provided. Register at https://forms.office.com/r/EuVPrGc0nc or email GEMAinfo@albertaadventist.ca for more info.
Event Location:
5108 106 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB T6A 1G2

Event Location:
15 Corriveau Ave, St.
St. Albert, Alberta T8N 5A3

Sherwood Care - Fundraising
September 17, 2023
Sherwood Care needs you! Next Sunday you can participate at The Grand Parade, our biggest fundraising event. Register and come with your family for a walk and a day of fun! For donations access the website https://thegrandparade.org/location/sherwoodpark. Our seniors are very welcome!
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Colonialism Revealed - Red Willow Church
November 10, 2023
We extend a warm invitation to all members of our regional Adventist church community to join hands and support our Indigenous partners in their journey towards healing and reconciliation. Let us stand together, acknowledge the past, and work towards a brighter future of unity and understanding.
Event Location:
15 Corriveau Ave
St. Albert, AB T8N5A3
Event Location:
5108 106 Ave.
Edmonton, AB

Event Location:
5003 52 St.
Mirror, AB

Event Location:
6910 University Dr
Lacombe, AB
Event Location:
Event Location:
1920 13 Ave NW
Calgary, Alberta

Event Location:
303 Church Road
Spruce Grove, Alberta T7X0K5

Event Location:

Club Ministries Events 2024
September 21, 2024
Your Adventures and Pathfinders Clubs are always welcoming your support! You can volunteer at one of our events, pray, fundraise, teach your favourite honour, or award and use any talent God has given you to encourage, support and make a difference in the lives of our children and youth!
Event Location:
Event Location:
120 Festival Way
Sherwood , Alberta
Event Location:
10131 111 Ave NW
Edmonton, Alberta
Event Location:

Event Location:
Christ The Way Adventist Church

Event Location:
37370 Range Road 274A
Red Deer, Alberta T4N 5E8

December 29, 2023
Three! Two! One! 3-2-1!!! Countdown down to New Year! Can you believe it’s so close to 2024?! Join the AB discipleship in a countdown to the New Year! Together, let’s recount God’s leading in the past and ask His most special guidance for the year to come. Zoom link and times to follow next week—stay tuned!
Event Location:

Event Location:
1829 54 St Unit 103 SE
Calgary, AB T2Z 1N5

Event Location:
120 Festival Way
Sherwood Park, AB T8A5Z1

Violinist Hayden Wiseman Concerts
January 13, 2024
Saturday | January 13 | 7PM - Edmonton Central Sunday | January 14 | 3PM - Mirror Community Hall Australian gospel violinist Hayden Wiseman, will present sacred and inspirational violin classics. Hayden’s wife, Paula, will feature on flute. Admission is free. A free will offering will be collected. CDs, DVDs, and USBs will be available. Tour video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loD8PwHBqOs
Event Location:
Edmonton, AB
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Event Location:

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Event Location:

Event Location:
48 12 St NE
Calgary, AB T2E4P4

32nd Annual Ryley Winter Fest
January 26, 2024
This year's Winter Fest is a spiritual enrichment combined with family-like alumni fun hockey festival. For more information and to enter a hockey team, please contact Kent Grinde at (780) 781-7034 or email grindellfarms@gmail.com. Friday, Jan 26: Vespers will be held at Ryley Adventist Church at 7:30 pm. Saturday, Jan 27(All day): Sabbath services will be held at Good News Church in Ryley, AB, with a fellowship dinner provided. Hockey games and family skating will take place at the Mundare Arena in Mundare, AB, starting Saturday night at 5:30 pm and continuing all day Sunday from 8:30 am. ALL ARE WELCOME!!
Event Location:

Secret of the Fossil - Wetaskiwin
January 27, 2024
Mark your calendars for an exciting adventure as we uncover “The Secret Of The Fossil!". This captivating family-friendly faith-based film, shared as a Pathfinder Camporee fundraiser, promises an unforgettable experience for all ages.
Event Location:
470014 Highway 814
Wetaskiwin, AB T9A1X1

Violinist Hayden Wiseman Concert - Calgary Central
January 27, 2024
Australian gospel violinist Hayden Wiseman, will present sacred and inspirational violin classics. Hayden’s wife, Paula, will feature on flute. Admission is free. A free will offering will be collected. CDs, DVDs, and USBs will be available. Tour video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loD8PwHBqOs
Event Location:
1920 13 Ave NW
Calgary, AB T2N1L3

Event Location:
11520 Ellerslie Rd SW
Edmonton, AB

Ubuntu's Annual Concert - UNSUNG
February 2, 2024
Burman University is thrilled to announce that UBUNTU’s annual concert, Unsung, at College Heights Adventist Church. This year, we celebrate 5 years of music making, community building, and the pursuit of excellence. The concert is free, but we encourage you to bring a donation for Ubuntu’s Spring Tour to The Bahamas. Please consider donating to Ubuntu’s ministry.
Event Location:
6910 University Dr
College Heights, AB T4L 1Z9

Business Speaker Series
January 30, 2024
Elevate Your Local Leadership: Uncover the stories of Central Alberta visionaries and explore the universal applicability of visionary leadership across industries. Join an engaging and interactive experience, tailored for both academia and local careers. Be part of the movement to ignite your leadership potential right here in Central Alberta .
Event Location:

Discipleship - NEW Time & Date
January 31, 2024
This was postponed until Wednesday, January 31. Join the AB discipleship team for an exciting journey in discovering simple principles of daily living as a disciple of Jesus! Each meeting will have a teaching and challenge to apply what you’re learning! Zoom ID: 958 0171 4551 Password: prayer
Event Location:
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Prayer and Revival - College Heights
March 15, 2024
Please save the date to hear Pastor Pavel Goia, from the General Conference Ministerial Department, editor of Ministry Magazine. Pavel has two books telling of his faith journey. "One Miracle After Another" and "In the Spirit and Power." I highly recommend both books. Plan to be present in person for an amazing weekend of being drawn to God. -Honey Todd, Prayer Ministries Coordinator
Event Location:

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Pathfinder Movie Night
February 17, 2024
Embark on a captivating cinematic journey by joining us for the screening of the new movie, "The Secret of the Fossil," in the church auditorium. This Christian film unveils profound and undeniable Biblical truths about dinosaurs, delving into the mysteries hidden within their fossils. Be part of this enlightening experience and support our Pathfinders as they raise funds for their upcoming International Camporee in Gillette, Wyoming, scheduled for August 5-11, 2024. Your attendance not only promises an evening of cinematic revelation but also contributes to the aspirations of our dedicated Pathfinders. Don't miss the chance to be part of something truly special! You are encouraged to Invite your neighbors and friends to attend as well!
Event Location:

IT IS WRITTEN CANADA presents Prescription for Love
March 29, 2024
Learn and experience how to connect with each other God's way. Whether you are 16 or 60, this seminar will help your relationships and establish or re-establish the foundation for marriage and family. Together you'll gain the tools to make plans that give you a hope and a future.
Event Location:
4607-47 Avenue
Sylvan Lake,

FREE Family Life & Expo
March 17, 2024
Calgary Bridgeland Adventist Church invites you to their Family Life Summit and Expo under the theme: Promoting Healthy Families in 2024. This will happen at the Calgary Bridgeland Adventist Church from 12:30-4 PM. They have Doctors and other professionals in their respective fields lined up to speak at this event and answer your questions. We will cover topics related to Child and Youth, Mental Health, parenting, Healthy Couples communication and family finances. They will also have a great line-up of businesses with services specifically geared to the family's needs.
Event Location:
48 12 St NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E 4T4

Acronaires 50th Anniversary Homeshow
March 9, 2024
Burman University Acronaires present their 50th Anniversary Homeshow. Tickets on sale now. Reserve early. Featuring guest performers in trampoline, hand balancing, aerial silks and fire juggling. Don't miss out. Contact the PE Center at 403 782 2822 or www.burmanu.ca/acronairereunion.
Event Location:
6415 University Drive
Lacombe, Alberta
Event Location:

Event Location:
11520 Ellerslie Rd SW
Edmontont, Alberta T6W1A2
Event Location:

Half Night of Prayer - DEEPER
April 20, 2024
Come out for a powerful half night of prayer as we go deeper with God together! Join us on Zoom to approach our Lord in prayer with believers from across the Conference! For more information, please contact us at prayer ministries@albertaadventist.ca.
Pastor Honey Todd
Event Location:

Day of Prayer - VISION
May 1, 2024
God has inspired and led the Alberta Conference leadership in setting the direction for the next five years. The Conference Strategic Plan outlines where we will be heading and how we will get there. Let's come together to submit ourselves to God in partnering with Him to continue to finish the work He's called us to do, and to continue to refine, clarify and correct what we understand He is blessing. Join us for a day of prayer over Zoom, led by different congregations and departments throughout the Conference!
Pastor Honey Todd
Event Location:

Event Location:
11520 Ellerslie Rd SW
Edmonton, AB T6W 1A2
Event Location:
441022 Range Rd 253
Ponoka, AB

Event Location:
10131 111 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB T5G 0B5

You are invited to join the Mass Choir & Orchestra
July 20, 2024
All singers and musicians are invited to join the Mass Choir and Orchestra on Sabbath, July 20, 2024 at 11:00 AM. Rehearsal Schedule: Monday-Thursday 1:00-2:00 PM and Friday after Vesper Service (July 15-19) at the Main Auditorium. For queries, contact Nanette Quines: music@albertaadventist.ca.
Event Location:

CAAA South Connect Program - Medicine Hat
April 13, 2024
Family and friends in the south, here’s your special invitation to join the Caribbean Association of Adventists in Alberta in worship at the Medicine Hat SDA Church. Come fellowship with us, and meet members of the south chapter executive team. Save the date!
Event Location:
1933 Dunmore Rd SE
Medicine Hat, AB T1A !z9

Health Ministries presents Healthy Choices - Sherwood Park
April 27, 2024
Discover the secrets to a healthier lifestyle! Join us at the Sherwood Park Seventh-day Adventist health weekend on April 27 and 28. Dive into the world of diabetes prevention and management, and savor the joy of wholesome meals. Bring along your friends for an enriching experience. Hurry, spots for Sunday’s exclusive cooking class will fill up fast—secure yours today!
Event Location:
120 Festival Way
Sherwood Park, AB

Event Location:

8th Annual Camp Meeting of Western Canada Ghanaian Adventists
June 27, 2024
8th Annual Camp Meeting of Western Canada Ghanaian Seventh-day Adventists (WCGSDA) Get ready to be inspired and uplifted as we gather at Burman University Campus from June 27-30th, 2024, for a spiritual journey like no other. Our theme "ROOTED IN CHRIST", sets the stage for a transformative experience, where participants will delve deep into our faith and strengthen our connection with the Savior. Don't miss the opportunity to hear from our esteemed guest speaker, Pastor Joojo Bonnie, who is currently the Teens Director, South England Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, United Kingdom. He will guide us through powerful messages and insights rooted in the teachings of Christ. Come, be part of a community rooted in faith, fellowship, and love. Let's grow together in our spiritual journey at this year’s WCGSDA Camp Meeting. This is an opportunity to meet, connect and fellowship with friends, family and loved ones from Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and the Northwest Territories. Early bird registration for the camp meeting ends May 31st, 2024. Register Now at https://wcgsda.org/2024-camp-meeting/
Event Location:
6730 University Dr
Lacombe, Alberta T4L 2E5
Event Location:
15 Corriveau Ave. Street
St. Albert, Alberta T8N 5A3

Event Location:
Event Location:
48 12 St NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E 4P4

Event Location:
1933 Dunmore RD SE
Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 1Z9

Keepers of The Faith are coming to Sylvan Lake!
June 11, 2024
Keepers of the Faith is probably the most diverse Southern Gospel Quartet you'll ever meet. That diversity is very evident in their unique style. Keepers of the Faith bring the deep south island flavor, a taste of oldie but goody, and the soul of saved men to the genre of Southern Gospel Quartet Music.
Event Location:
Event Location:

Event Location:
5102 College Ave
Lacombe, AB T4L1Z2

Event Location:
1817 Crowchild Trail NW
Calgary, AB T2M4R6

Master Guides Camp - Kootenay Plains
July 5, 2024
Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure in God’s great outdoors? Look no further! We’re thrilled to invite you to the “Tents, Trails, and Testimonies” easy camp/day hike experience, where we’ll cultivate leadership, connect with fellow adventurers, and experience the wonders of our Creator.
Event Location:

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Prayer Retreat: Habits if Presence
June 7, 2024
Come apart and rest awhile. In this retreat, you will be invited to cultivate habits of attention to the presence of the God who is always present to us. Begin the weekend learning how to foster an awareness of God in our daily routines. On Sabbath, explore what it means to desire God’s purposes in ourselves and the world around us. Discover a simple, yet profound structure of intercessory prayer. Refresh your spirit through praying alone in nature. Discover repentance as opening yourself to God’s healing love. End the weekend with hearing blessings on both the small and the momentous times of our lives and finish with creating blessings of your own.
Event Location:

Camp Meeting Club Ministries PARADE 2024
July 13, 2024
Attention all Adventurers, Pathfinders, and Master Guides in training! Join us as we showcase our clubs to the Alberta church community. Let's unite and inspire the bystanders to join or start their club ministries!
Event Location:

Event Location:
Rocky Mountain House, AB

Event Location:
11520 Ellerslie Rd SW
Edmonton, AB T6W1A2

Event Location:
3032 Township Road 342
Red Deer County, AB

BURMAN/PAA Homecoming Weekend
June 7, 2024
BURMAN/PAA Alumni Homecoming Weekend, June 7 - 9, 2024 Burman University and Parkview Adventist Academy invite you to Homecoming weekend June 7 - 9. This year’s theme is “Imagine.” The guest speaker will be Pastor Lowell Cooper. Special features for the weekend are the alumni banquet, huge Sabbath potluck, Sunday breakfast, golf tournament, and more. For more info please visit our website at: http://www.burmanu.ca/alumni/homecoming or call Shannon Bechthold at (403) 782-3381 ext. 4161 or email alumni@burmanu.ca. | BURMAN/PAA Alumni Homecoming Potluck – Sabbath, June 8, 2024 All alumni and friends are welcome to attend the Homecoming fellowship meal. Those who attend are asked to bring an entrée, salad, and dessert. A special thank you to all the locals who come and bring extra food for visitors! The potluck starts at 12:45 p.m. in the PE Centre. For more information, please contact Shannon Bechthold at the Advancement Office at (403) 782-3381, ext. 4161 or email alumni@burmanu.ca.
Event Location:

Event Location:

Event Location:
101 Greely Rd
Fort McMurray, Alberta T9H4V4

Event Location:
48 12 St NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E 4P4

Event Location:
419 Northmount Drive NW
Calgary , AB T2K 3H7
Event Location:
6811-92A Ave NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2C7
Event Location:
48-12 St NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E 4P4
Event Location:

CAAA 2024 Family Retreat
August 30, 2024
The Caribbean Association of Adventists in Alberta (CAAA), is excited to be celebrating its 45th anniversary this upcoming Labour Day weekend. This year, the annual family retreat will be held from August 30-September 2, 2024, under the theme “We’ve Come This Far, Press On”, at the Foothills Camp and Retreat Centre, Bowden, Alberta. We are privileged to have Dr. Ainsworth Keith Morris as our guest speaker, coming to us from the Northeastern Conference of the USA.
Event Location:
Event Location:

Event Location:
120 Festival Way
Sherwood Park, Alberta T8A 5Z1

Join Us for a Memorable and Life-changing Experience at Horsemanship Camp!
August 11, 2024
Whether you eat, sleep and breathe all things horses or know someone who does, you’ll want to pay attention. Horsemanship Camp is a week full of stories, fellowship, and, of course, horses! Students are evaluated and placed into skill-appropriate classes to advance their knowledge and skills on and off the horses. They will learn what it takes to care for and handle horses daily, but by far, the best part of Horsemanship Camp is that each day begins and ends with worship, where horses are used to highlight God’s word. The days are long, and the memories last forever. Come and join us at Foothills Camp for a memorable and often life-changing experience at Horsemanship Camp! Date: August 11 -16 Ages 12+ (Adults welcome) Limited spots available. Registration on Ultracamp will be open on July 25, 2024. If you’d like more information, please contact our Head Wrangler, Rachel Graça at rwgraca@hotmail.com.
Rachel Graca
Event Location:
3032 Township Rd 342
Bowden, Alberta T0M 0K0

Inspirational Benefit Concert
September 8, 2024
Join us at Christ the Way Seventh-day Adventist Church, 11520 Ellerslie Rd SW, for a concert featuring The Melisizwe Brothers and Friends. Proceeds will support school supplies for students affected by Hurricane Beryl in St. Vincent, Union Island, Carriacou, and Grenada. Help us make a difference in the Caribbean community. We look forward to seeing you there!
Event Location:
11520 Ellerslie Rd SW
Edmonton, Alberta T6W 1A2

Event Location:
3032 Township Road 342
Red Deer County, Alberta T0M 0K0

Vertical Conversations with God
October 19, 2024
Featuring David Jamieson, president of Upper Columbia Conference in Spokane, Washington. Dr. Jamieson will present “Vertical Conversations with God” to help us learn how to enjoy Holy Spirit-led conversations with God through prayer and the reading of His Word. The first presentation is scheduled for October 19 at 11 a.m.; and part 2 at 3:30 p.m. Part 3 will include a Sunday prayer breakfast on October 20 at 9 a.m. All presentations will be at the church at 6910 University Dr, College Heights, Alberta. For more information, see chsda.ca.
Event Location:
6910 University Drive
College Heights, Alberta T4L 1Z9

Event Location:
419 Northmount Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta

Nedley Depression & Anxiety Recovery Program
September 30, 2024
Are you or your loved ones suffering from depression or anxiety? There is hope! The Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program offers solutions! Not only will you learn how to identify depression and anxiety and their causes, but you will also enhance your energy levels, sleep quality, mood, relationships, and emotional intelligence.
Event Location:
410 Festival LN
Sherwood Park, Alberta

Event Location:
6730 University Dr
Lacombe, Alberta T4L 2E5
Event Location:

Event Location:
6415 University Dr
Lacombe, Alberta T4L 2A8

Event Location:

Club Ministries Training and Leadership Convention
October 25, 2024
Join us for an inspiring and transformative weekend! This event is designed to equip and empower leaders in youth and club ministries with new skills, insights, and inspiraton to better serve their communities and ministries.
Event Location:
3032 Township Road 342
Red Deer County, Alberta T0M 0K0

Half Night of Prayer "Closer"
September 28, 2024
Are you yearning to draw near to God, knowing that He will draw near to you? Do you wish to dwell in the house of the Lord forever? When was the last time you truly walked with Him and talked with Him?
Event Location:

Event Location:
11520 Ellerslie Rd SW
Edmonton, Alberta T6W1A2

Event Location:
37370 Range Road 274A
Red Deer , Alberta T4N5E8

Event Location:
4601 51 St
Leduc, Alberta T9E 5C2

Event Location:
5102 College Ave
Lacombe, Alberta T4L 1Z2

Sylvan Lake Church is Hosting a Community-focused Week of Prayer
October 26, 2024
All are invited to attend as we unite in prayer, praise, and fellowship. A light supper will be served prior to the service on Friday, November 1 at 6:30 pm, and then we will close with an anointing service on Sabbath, November 2, led by Pastor Honey Todd. Please see the flyer for more details.
Event Location:
4607 47 Ave
Sylvan Lake, Alberta T4S 1N9

Event Location:
13 Langley Drive
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta T8L2L6

Day of Prayer for Adventist Education
October 23, 2024
As times get worse, a safe, strong, spiritual environment for our schools is more and more important. Let's join together in taking every aspect of our schools to God in prayer. Join us on Wednesday, October 23 over Zoom! See the flyer for details; for more information, email prayerministries@albertaadventist.ca
Event Location:
Event Location:
5201 College Ave
Lacombe , Alberta T4L 1Z6
Event Location:

Event Location:
4601 51 St
Leduc, Alberta T9E 5C2

Event Location:
11 Scenic Acres Gate NW
Calgary, Alberta T3L1E4
Event Location:
Event Location:

1st NAD Master Guide Camporee 2025
August 6, 2025
The 1st North American Division Master Guide Camporee will happen in West Virginia on August 6-9, 2025. Master Guides from all around the North American Division and the world are invited to participate in this historic event. Who should attend: North American Division - Master Guides from all ages, Master Guides in training and Master Guide clubs are welcome.
Event Location:
Event Location:

Pathfinders Bible Experience
February 1, 2025
Don't miss out! Let's come together, deepen our understanding of God's word, and celebrate the joy of learning. Sign up today and be part of an experience that will inspire you and your team to live out the principles of faith, love, and unity!
Event Location:
Event Location:
37370 Range road 274A
Red Deer, Alberta T4N 5E8

Event Location:
Event Location:
1920 13 Ave NW
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1L3
Event Location:
5108 106 Ave.
Edmonton, Alberta T6A 1G2

Join Us for a Special Stewardship Emphasis Day
December 7, 2024
We invite you to join us for a special Stewardship Emphasis Day with the theme "TIME and TALENT" on Saturday, December 7th, 2024, at the Edmonton Central Seventh-day Adventist Church. This meaningful event will be led by Pastor Roberson Dorelus, the Youth & Young Adults Director of the Alberta Conference. Pastor Rob is a former pastor of our very own church, who brings a wealth of spiritual insight and passion for helping believers discover and dedicate their God-given gifts. Pastor Dorelus will explore how we can steward our time and talents faithfully, making a lasting impact in our lives and the lives of those around us. This is an opportunity to deepen your understanding of how God calls us to use our unique gifts for His glory and the growth of His Kingdom. Through inspiring messages, real-life applications, and practical guidance, Pastor Dorelus will help us uncover ways to live intentionally, making every moment and skill count. Whether you are seeking to reconnect with your purpose or hoping to find new ways to serve, this Stewardship Day will leave you inspired and empowered. Don't miss this chance to reflect, connect, and grow as a church family member or connect with like minded believers. Bring a friend, bring your family, and come ready to explore how God can use your TIME and TALENT in powerful ways, you may not have thought about. We look forward to seeing you there at Edmonton Central Adventist Church, 10131 111 Avenue NW Edmonton, Alberta, T5G 0B5.
Event Location:
10131 111 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta T5G 0B5

Event Location:

Event Location:
12218-135 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5L 1X1
Event Location:
9949 149 St. NW
Edmonton, Alberta T5P 1K7

The Melisizwe Brothers & Friends Benefit Concert Series
November 24, 2024
Join us at Calgary Bridgeland Seventh-day Adventist Church, located at 48 12ST NE, Calgary, AB, T2E 4P4, for a concert featuring The Melisizwe Brothers and Friends. Proceeds will support teaching supplies for students and teachers affected by Hurricane Beryl in St. Vincent, Union Island, Carriacou, and Grenada. Help us make a difference in the Caribbean community. We look forward to seeing you there!
Event Location:
48 12 St. NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E4P4

Event Location:

Upcoming SEEDS Conference in Calgary!
February 7, 2025
This SEEDS Conference will provide support and encouragement to existing Mission Groups and Companies. SEEDS will also be an opportunity for many others to learn why Church Planting is so vital to the growth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Alberta and the NWT.
Event Location:
155 - 100 St NE
Calgary, Alberta T1X 0L4
Event Location:
12218 135 St NW
Edmonton, Alberta T5L1X1

Event Location:
6910 University Drive
Lacombe, Alberta T4L1Z9

2025 Back to the Altar
March 23, 2025
Are you hungry and thirsty for more in your walk with God? Come be part of Back to the Altar, a practical, engaging, intergenerational revival series designed for the whole family. Don MacLafferty, author, international speaker, president of In Discipleship Ministries, and lead trainer for the General Conference Back to the Altar discipleship program, uses his unique interactive teaching style to bring the Bible to life. Don't miss out on this life-changing week-long worship experience as we learn what it means to be a disciple and a disciple-maker for the Kingdom! "Then Elijah said to all the people, 'Come near to me.' So all the people came near to him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD that was broken down." 1 Kings 18:30
Ted and Sandra Deer
(306) 570-1844
Event Location:
37370 Range Rd 274
Red Deer County, AB T4E 1B9

Event Location:
175 Railway St,
Carbon, Alberta T0M0C4

Event Location:
6910 University Dr
College Heights, Alberta T4L 1Z9

Event Location:

It Is Written Canada’s Prescription for Love
February 7, 2025
Featuring Mike and René Lemon partnering with Marlon and Doreen Cliffe, spotlights godly proven principles that work to enrich, heal, and restore relationships. The program consists of 8 presentations, starting on a Friday evening and ending with a banquet on Saturday evening. During these dynamic presentations, the Cliffes share their personal testimony of how God helped them to restore their marriage “from ashes to beauty.” As an evangelistic tool, this Marriage and Family Wellness program brings hope and healing to relationships both within our churches and our communities, as so many marriages and families are experiencing major challenges.
Event Location:

Event Location:

Official Launch of NOW Church
March 8, 2025
You're invited to the official launch of Edmonton's newest church. On March 8, come celebrate the opening of NOW Church, located at 11210 – 59 Ave NW. Service starts at 1 pm, and will be followed by a delicious celebration meal. To let us know you’re coming, please RSVP via email, or the QR code in the advertising image. All guest registrants will be entered into a draw for a chance to win a $150.00 Visa gift card! For more information, email us at info@nowchurch.ca or check us out at nowchurchyeg on Instagram.
Event Location:
11210-59 Ave NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6H1G3

Event Location:
3032 Township Rd 342
Red Deer County, Alberta T0M 0K0

PAA Fundraiser Day for Jamaica
March 1, 2025
Parkview Adventist Academy will be hosting a Mission Trip Fundraiser day on March 1 for their upcoming Mission Trip to Jamaica to help with the expansion of a school. You are invited to celebrate with us, learn with us, and donate to our trip from the morning church service to an evening social event. The morning service will happen at College Heights Seventh-day Adventist Church at 11am and an afternoon program at church at 3:30pm. We will end the day with our social event at Parkview Adventist Academy at 6pm. If you would like to support us but are not able to attend, please consider financially donating to our trip. If you are interested in coming or donating and have any questions, please reach out to Dennalia Fray (dfray@paa.ca or 289 996 8881).
Dennalia Fray
Event Location:
6910 University Dr
College Heights, Alberta T4L1Z9

Event Location:
7004 University Drive
Lacombe , Alberta

Event Location:

Memorial Service for Daniel Skoretz
March 1, 2025
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Pastor Daniel Skoretz. He passed away January 15, 2025, with his wife and children by his side in Grand Terrace, California. After 97 years, he is now at rest in Jesus. Pastor Skoretz served the Seventh-day Adventist Church for many years through faithful service. He started his career in Canada, serving as pastor in the Prince Albert, Saskatchewan district and then in Alberta at the Edmonton Central church during the construction of the present church and the construction of Coralwood Adventist Academy. He then served as a departmental director in the Alberta Conference and the Ontario/Quebec Conference. After earning his MA in Education, he taught at Canadian Union College in the theology department, while serving as pastor of the College Heights church. After earning an MPH at Loma Linda University, he taught at the School of Public Health and then worked in the Ministerial department and Health department of the General Conference. Returning to pastoral work in the Southeastern California Conference he pastored the Hemet church during the construction of their present church complex. In retirement he served part time at the Crestline, Homeland and Mentone churches. He served the Adventist Church as an employee for 73 years with 40 years of pastoral ministry. Most recently, he pastored at the Mentone and Homeland churches as associate pastor before his retirement in 2024. We are grateful for the many years of service to our Church and his commitment to ministry. He brought a spirit full of love for Jesus and passionate energy of service to others. He leaves behind his wife Elaine and his adult children, DonnaLee Lehmann (Paul), Sherilynne Will (Douglas), Randall, Robert, and 10 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren. The Skoretz family invites you to watch the livestream for Daniel’s memorial, March 1, 2025, at 3:00PM Central Time. The link for the Livestream is available on https://danielskoretz.memorial
Event Location:
Event Location:
3032 Township Road 342
Red Deer County, AB T0M0K0

Event Location:
3032 Township Road 342
Red Deer County, Alberta T0M0K0

Event Location:
4607 47 Ave
Sylvan Lake, Alberta T4S 1N9
Event Location:
4607 47 Ave
Sylvan Lake , Alberta T4S 1N9
Event Location:
4607 47 Ave
Sylvan Lake, Alberta T4S 1N9
Event Location:

Grandma's Birthday Party
September 3, 2019 6:00pm
Location Details

Grandma's Birthday Party
September 3, 2019 6:00pm
Location Details

Grandma's Birthday Party
September 3, 2019 6:00pm
Location Details